Fundraising generally refers to activities such as soliciting public donations (either in person or online), holding events to raise money, raffles and other games, corporate partnerships, and crowdfunding.
The ACNC does not regulate fundraising – it is regulated at a state and territory level. Because of this, the specific definition of fundraising can vary between states and territories.
A charity’s Responsible People are, collectively, responsible for the way their charity conducts its fundraising. The ACNC sees the oversight of fundraising activities as a vital aspect of good charity governance.
While the ACNC does not require that charities provide us with their fundraising licence number, we may collect this information as part of our ongoing efforts to reduce red tape across the charity sector. Further information is available via each state or territory fundraising page.
Commonwealth, state and territory treasurers have agreed to a set of nationally consistent fundraising principles.
The principles streamline state and territory requirements on charitable fundraiser conduct and will give charities and donors a clear understanding of appropriate conduct.
Each state and territory will release plans, outlining how they will give effect to the principles and when the principles will commence. For an update on the progress in your state or territory, contact your fundraising regulator.
- A guide to the Australian Consumer Law: for fundraising and other activities of charities, not-for-profits and fundraisers
- Our Community: Funding Centre
- Not-for-profit Law: Fundraising and holding events
- Fundraising Institute of Australia
- Philanthropy Australia
- Australian Centre for Philanthropy and Nonprofit Studies
- Australian Institute of Company Directors